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In the Wilderness 14

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RBT Paraphrase


RBT Hebrew Literal

all/every את-self eternal the Gathered People
upon Drawn Out ("Moses") and upon Inner Light ("Aaron") all/every sons/my son God Straightened and they are speaking toward themselves all/every to himself in the earth of Dual-Siege or in the Desolate one this one to himself
He Is toward the Earth this one they are becoming Is not good one to ourselves
and they are speaking a man toward his brothers head
and he is falling Drawn Out ("Moses") and Inner Light upon to the faces all/every witness sons/my son God Straightened
builder/son builder/son from out את-self eternal the Earth
and they are speaking toward all/every witness sons/my son God Straightened to say the Earth whom/straightly within herself your eternal self the Earth very much very much
if He Is toward the Earth this one to ourselves earth whom/straightly Himself
Only do not do not את-self eternal Gathered People the Earth for themeselves from upon themselves and He Is do not
and they are speaking all/every their eternal selves and glory He Is in the hand toward all/every sons/my son
and he is saying He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") until/testimony the Gathered People this one and until not within me within the whole whom/straightly in the hand
your eternal self
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") toward He Is of Dual-Siege for את-self eternal the Gathered People this one
and they are saying toward he who is sitting the Earth this one Hear for your eternal self He Is within the center the Gathered People this one whom/straightly in the hand your eternal self He Is he stood your eternal self has walked to the faces of themselves in daytime fire her night
את-self eternal the Gathered People this one like a man one and they are saying the Nations whom/straightly Hear את-self eternal to say
He Is את-self eternal the Gathered People this one toward the Earth whom/straightly to themselves in the Desolate one
pray masters as when to say
He Is and abundant a kind one carrying bent over one not he is being purged he has visited bent over one fathers upon builders/sons upon thirty and upon forty
pray the Gathered People this one this one and until Behold
and he is saying He Is as the ordered word of yourself
myself He Is את-self eternal all/every the Earth
for all/every את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal whom/straightly within Dual Siege my eternal self this one ten and not Hear in the hand
if את-self eternal the Earth whom/straightly I have been sevened and the whole not
she has become spirit behind toward the Earth whom/straightly he has come there-her
he who is sitting in the valley tomorrow to yourselves the Desolate One road a sea
and he is ordering words He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") and toward/don't Inner Light ("Aaron") to say
until/testimony when this one whom/straightly themselves upon myself את-self eternal sons/my son God Straightened whom/straightly themselves upon myself
he has said toward themselves myself he who whispers He Is if not as when in the hand an upright one to yourselves
in the Desolate one this one and the whole twenty/rich ones duplicate whom/straightly upon myself
if their eternal selves you come toward the Earth whom/straightly את-self eternal the hand of myself your eternal selves within herself for if builder/son builder/son
whom/straightly he is becoming their eternal selves את-self eternal the Earth whom/straightly within herself
their eternal selves in the Desolate one this one
they are becoming evil ones in the Desolate one duplicate את-self eternal until/testimony in the Desolate one
in the hand the Days whom/straightly את-self eternal the Earth day day day yourselves are lifting up את-self eternal duplicate את-self eternal
myself He Is I have ordered words if not this one this one upon myself in the Desolate one this one
whom/straightly he has sent Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal the Earth upon himself את-self eternal all/every upon the Earth
the Earth to the faces He Is
builder/son builder/son from out the Walkers את-self eternal the Earth
and he is ordering words Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal the Words the Goddess toward all/every sons/my son God Straightened the Gathered People very much
and they are climbing up toward head the Mount to say toward the Standing Place whom/straightly he has said He Is for
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") why this one their eternal selves את-self eternal mouth He Is and Himself not
do not for there is not He Is in the hand and not to the faces
for name for upon an upright one He Is and not he is becoming He Is in company with yourselves
toward head the Mount in the hand He Is and Drawn Out/Moses not the Camp