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In the Wilderness 16

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RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is taking builder/son builder/son builder/son sons/my son builder/son sons/my son
to the faces Drawn Out ("Moses") God Straightened and dual hundred name
upon Drawn Out ("Moses") and upon Inner Light ("Aaron") and they are speaking toward themselves abundance to yourselves for all/every all of them He Is upon He Is
and he is hearing Drawn Out ("Moses") and he is falling upon
and he is ordering words toward and toward/don't all/every to say He Is את-self eternal whom/straightly to himself and אֵת-self eternal toward himself and אֵת-self eternal whom/straightly in himself toward himself
this one they have made to yourselves and the whole
fire smoke/incense to the faces He Is tomorrow and he has become the Man whom/straightly He Is Himself abundance to yourselves sons/my son
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") toward Hear pray sons/my son
from yourselves for mighty ones God Straightened your eternal selves God Straightened your eternal selves toward himself את-self eternal He Is to the faces
your eternal self and אֵת-self eternal all/every sons/my son your eternal self also
therefore your eternal self and the whole upon He Is and Inner Light what/how Himself for upon himself
Drawn Out ("Moses") sons/my son and they are speaking not
for from the earth in the Desolate one for upon ourselves also
yea/a nostril/anger not toward earth to ourselves not
and he is kindling very much and he is saying toward He Is do not toward not one and not את-self eternal one
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") toward your eternal self and the whole they have become to the faces He Is your eternal self and themselves and Inner Light tomorrow
a man upon themselves smoke/incense to the faces He Is a man and dual hundred and your eternal self and Inner Light a man
and they are taking hold a man upon themselves fire upon themselves smoke/incense and they are standing firm and Drawn Out/Moses and Inner Light
upon themselves את-self eternal all/every toward and he is seeing He Is toward all/every
and he is ordering words He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") and toward/don't Inner Light ("Aaron") to say
from inside this one their eternal selves
upon and they are speaking god mighty ones the Man one and upon all/every
and he is ordering words He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") to say
he has ordered-words toward to say
Drawn Out ("Moses") and he is walking toward God Straightened
and he is ordering words toward to say pray upon the Criminals the Goddess and toward/don't within the whole whom/straightly to themselves a corner within the whole
and they are climbing up upon
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") in the hand your inner selves are perceiving for He Is to make את-self eternal all/every the Goddess for not
if as the Death all/every their inner selves are dying goddess all/every upon themselves not He Is
and if in the hand He Is the Ground of Adam את-self eternal their eternal selves and אֵת-self eternal all/every whom/straightly to themselves and they are descending living ones upon for they have scorned the Goddess את-self eternal He Is
and he is becoming את-self eternal all/every the Words the Goddess the Ground of Adam whom/straightly
the Earth את-self eternal their eternal selves and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal all/every whom/straightly and אֵת-self eternal all/every
and they are descending themeselves and the whole whom/straightly to themselves living ones upon upon themselves the Earth from inside
and the whole God Straightened whom/straightly for a corner the Earth
she went out He Is את-self eternal and dual hundred a man