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In the Wilderness 18

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RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is saying He Is toward Inner Light ("Aaron") your eternal self father of yourself your eternal self yourselves are lifting up את-self eternal bent over one and your eternal self your eternal self yourselves are lifting up את-self eternal bent over one
and also את-self eternal rod/scepter father of yourself your eternal self upon yourself and your eternal self your eternal self to the faces
all/every the Tent Only toward and toward/don't not and not also themeselves also their eternal selves
upon yourself את-self eternal the Tent not toward yourselves
את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal and not he is becoming going around he has been enraged upon sons/my son God Straightened
and myself Behold את-self eternal from inside sons/my son God Straightened to yourselves to He is את-self eternal
and your eternal self your eternal self את-self eternal he has ordered-words את-self eternal he is being put to death
and he is ordering words He Is toward Inner Light ("Aaron") and myself Behold to yourself את-self eternal sons/my son God Straightened to yourself
this one he is becoming to yourself from out all/every whom/straightly to myself holy to yourself Himself
in the hand all/every his eternal self holy he is becoming to yourself
to yourself sons/my son God Straightened to yourself your eternal self all/every in the hand his eternal self
all/every and the whole whom/straightly to He is to yourself
all/every whom/straightly in the hand whom/straightly to He is to yourself he is becoming all/every in the hand
all/every ban in the hand to yourself he is becoming
all/every whom/straightly to He is he is becoming to yourself Only she is being redeemed את-self eternal in the hand and אֵת-self eternal in the hand she is being redeemed
he has renewed she is being redeemed in the hand silver in the hand twenty/rich ones Himself
Only in the hand the traveler [ox] or or mighty one not she is being redeemed holy themeselves את-self eternal upon and אֵת-self eternal a woman to He is
he is becoming to yourself to yourself he is becoming
all/every whom/straightly sons/my son God Straightened to He is to yourself your eternal self in the hand Himself to the faces He Is to yourself your eternal self
and he is saying He Is toward Inner Light ("Aaron") in the hand not not he is becoming to yourself in the hand myself in the center sons/my son
Behold all/every in the hand whom/straightly themeselves slaves את-self eternal
and not going around sons/my son God Straightened toward he has missed to die
Himself את-self eternal and themselves guilty one of themselves sons/my son God Straightened not
for את-self eternal sons/my son God Straightened whom/straightly to He is upon an upright one has spoken to themselves in the center sons/my son God Straightened not
and he is ordering words He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") to say
and toward/don't and you have said toward themselves for sons/my son God Straightened את-self eternal whom/straightly to yourselves in the hand He Is from out
to yourselves from out from out
an upright one also their eternal selves He Is whom/straightly sons/my son God Straightened את-self eternal He Is
את-self eternal all/every He Is את-self eternal
and you have said toward themselves את-self eternal
his eternal self within the whole their eternal selves for Himself to yourselves in the hand
and not yourselves are lifting up upon himself he has missed את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal sons/my son God Straightened not and not