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In the Wilderness 10

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RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is ordering words He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") to say
he has made to yourself silver she/yourself is making their eternal selves to yourself את-self eternal
upon yourself all/every toward
and if in the hand upon yourself my head God Straightened
shout/blast shout/blast
את-self eternal and not
and sons Inner Light ("Aaron") to yourselves
you come war in the hand upon your eternal selves to the faces He Is mighty ones of yourselves
new ones of yourselves upon and upon to yourselves to the faces mighty ones of yourselves myself He Is
and he is becoming in the new moon in the hand in the new moon upon
sons/my son God Straightened in the Desolate one
upon mouth He Is in the hand Drawn Out ("Moses")
sons/my son Land of Casters and upon builder/son
and upon sons/my son builder/son
and upon sons/my son builder/son
sons/my son and sons
and upon builder/son
and upon sons/my son builder/son breasts
and upon sons/my son builder/son upon
את-self eternal until/testimony
sons/my son and upon builder/son
and upon sons/my son builder/son rock/cliff
and upon sons/my son builder/son
sons/my son and upon builder/son
and upon sons/my son whom/straightly builder/son
and upon sons/my son builder/son
goddess sons/my son God Straightened
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") builder/son Drawn Out ("Moses") toward the Standing Place whom/straightly he has said He Is his eternal self to yourselves walk to yourself for He Is he has ordered-words good one upon God Straightened
and he is saying toward himself not I am walking for if toward and toward/don't I am walking
and he is saying do not pray for upon an upright one in the Desolate one to ourselves
and he has become for in company with ourselves and he has become whom/straightly He Is in company with ourselves to yourself
He Is road days in the hand He Is to the faces of themselves road days to themselves
He Is upon themselves in daytime in the hand from out
and he is becoming and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") He Is hated ones of yourself
he is saying He Is