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In the Wilderness 34

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RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is ordering words He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") to say
את-self eternal sons/my son God Straightened and you have said toward themselves for their eternal selves toward the Earth this one the Earth whom/straightly to yourselves in the hand earth
and he has become to yourselves upon the hand of myself and he has become to yourselves a sea
to yourselves to the upside a hook and he has become and he is going out Adar
of Dual-Siege
a sea and he has become to yourselves the Sea the Great this one he is becoming to yourselves a sea
he is becoming to yourselves from out the Sea to yourselves mountain the Mount
the Mount heat/fury
and he is going out this one he is becoming to yourselves
to yourselves beyond the border
upon a sea
a sea this one she is becoming to yourselves the Earth circling
Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal sons/my son God Straightened to say this one the Earth whom/straightly your eternal self in the hand whom/straightly He Is
for sons/my son to the house sons/my son to the house
and he is ordering words He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") to say
goddess whom/straightly to yourselves את-self eternal the Earth builder/son
one one את-self eternal the Earth
the Mighty One Land of Casters builder/son
sons/my son builder/son
sons/my son builder/son
sons/my son builder/son
sons/my son builder/son
sons/my son builder/son
sons/my son builder/son
sons/my son whom/straightly builder/son
sons/my son builder/son
goddess whom/straightly He Is את-self eternal sons/my son God Straightened in the earth