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In the Wilderness 32

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abundance he has become very much את-self eternal earth and אֵת-self eternal earth and behold! the Standing Place
sons/my son and sons and they are speaking toward Drawn Out ("Moses") and toward/don't and toward/don't to say

the Earth whom/straightly He Is to the faces witness God Straightened earth Himself
and they are speaking if favor/graciousness in the eyes of yourself he is giving את-self eternal the Earth this one do not את-self eternal the Descent
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") and you mouth
your inner selves are to forbid את-self eternal a heart sons/my son God Straightened toward the Earth whom/straightly he has given to themselves He Is
thus they have made fathers of yourselves in the hand their eternal selves to see את-self eternal the Earth
and they are climbing up until/testimony את-self eternal the Earth את-self eternal a heart sons/my son God Straightened in order that not he has come toward the Earth whom/straightly he has given to themselves He Is
and he is kindling yea/a nostril/anger He Is within the Day to say
if twenty/rich ones duplicate את-self eternal the Ground of Adam whom/straightly I have been sevened to Father of Multitude to He Laughs and to Heel Chaser for not have become filled behind
I have been mixed builder/son builder/son for have become filled behind He Is
and he is kindling yea/a nostril/anger He Is in the hand in the Desolate one duplicate until/testimony all/every causing evil in the hand He Is
and behold! below fathers of yourselves mortal men missers going around upon yea/a nostril/anger He Is toward God Straightened
for your inner selves are to return going around in the Desolate one the Gathered People
toward himself and they are speaking we are building mouth
to the faces sons/my son God Straightened until/testimony whom/straightly if toward and he is sitting in the hand the Earth
not toward until/testimony sons/my son God Straightened a man
for not their eternal selves for upon the Descent
and he is saying toward themselves Drawn Out ("Moses") if your inner selves are to make את-self eternal The Word this one if to the faces He Is
to yourselves all/every את-self eternal the Descent to the faces He Is until/testimony את-self eternal
the Earth to the faces He Is and she has become the Earth this one to yourselves to the faces He Is
and if not your inner selves are to make an upright one Behold to He is whom/straightly she is finding your eternal selves
in the hand to yourselves you are making
and he is saying sons/my son and sons toward Drawn Out ("Moses") to say as when masters commandment
and the whole in the hand they are becoming name in the hand
all/every to the faces He Is as when masters he has ordered-words
to themselves Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal He is Salvation builder/son and אֵת-self eternal my head fathers God Straightened
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") toward themselves if sons/my son and sons your eternal selves את-self eternal the Descent all/every to the faces He Is the Earth to themselves את-self eternal earth
and if not your eternal selves in the earth
sons/my son and sons to say את-self eternal whom/straightly he has ordered-words He Is toward an upright one we are making
to the faces He Is earth
to themselves Drawn Out ("Moses") rod/scepter builder/son את-self eternal king and אֵת-self eternal king the Earth the Earth circling
sons/my son את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal
and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal
and אֵת-self eternal house and אֵת-self eternal house
and sons את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal
and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal name and אֵת-self eternal את-self eternal whom/straightly
sons/my son builder/son את-self eternal whom/straightly within herself
Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal builder/son and he is sitting within herself
builder/son has walked את-self eternal and he is summoning their eternal selves
has walked את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal in the hand and he is summoning to herself