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Ezekiel 27

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is becoming he has ordered-words He Is toward myself to say
and your eternal self builder/son man lift upon
and you have said upon a sea toward multitudes this point he has said masters He Is rock/cliff את-self eternal myself
in the hand days your builders/sons
in the hand to yourself את-self eternal all cedar tree to make upon yourself
they have made they have made a built one
Six in the hand he has become to yourself he has become
they have become to yourself rock/cliff they have become themselves
they have become all the Sea they have become
they have become themselves
sons/my son upon circling in the hand they have become upon circling themselves
all wealth in the hand in the hand
themselves in the hand man
from the house
sons/my son multitudes
in the hand purple in the hand
Land of Casters God Straightened themselves in the hand
in abundance all wealth in the hand
in the hand in the hand he has become

and every/all themselves in the hand and prepared leaders within themselves
themselves in the head all stone precious
and a period of time
themselves in the hand in the hand in the hand
very much in the hand days
in the dual waters multitudes your eternal self spirit in the hand days
and every/all whom/straightly whom/straightly in the hand in the hand days within the Day

and they are descending all all the Sea toward the Earth
upon yourself in the hand he threw and they are climbing up upon
upon yourself upon yourself in the hand soul myrrh/bitter
upon yourself in the hand upon yourself who in the center the Sea
in the hand the peoples multitudes in abundance kings earth
time within the deep ones dual water and every/all in the hand
all upon yourself
upon yourself until