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Ezekiel 14

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RBT Hebrew Literal

toward myself mortal men from aged men God Straightened
and he is becoming he has ordered-words He Is toward myself to say
builder/son man the Goddess upon guilty one of themselves
therefore he has ordered-words and you have said toward themselves this point he has said masters He Is a man/each one a man/each one from the house God Straightened whom/straightly את-self eternal toward and he has come toward the Prophet myself He Is to himself within herself in abundance
in order that את-self eternal house God Straightened in the hand whom/straightly they have turned away in the hand
therefore he has said toward house God Straightened this point he has said masters He Is turn back around upon all the faces of yourselves
for a man/each one a man/each one from the house God Straightened whom/straightly in the hand toward and he has come toward the Prophet to himself within me myself He Is to himself within me
faces from inside my Gathered for myself He Is
for he has ordered-words myself He Is את-self eternal the Prophet את-self eternal the hand of myself upon himself from inside my Gathered God Straightened
guilty one of themselves the Prophet he is becoming
in order that not going around house God Straightened and not going around within the whole to myself to the people and myself to themselves he who whispers masters
and he is becoming he has ordered-words He Is toward myself to say
builder/son man earth for to myself the hand of myself upon herself to herself/himself he has reached/found loaf within herself man
the Goddess in the hand themselves he who whispers masters He Is
to himself in the earth and she has become a wasteland
the Goddess in the hand myself he who whispers masters He Is if builders/sons and if built-ones themselves and the Earth she is becoming a wasteland
or a sword upon the Earth a sword she is crossing over in the earth man
the Goddess in the hand myself he who whispers masters He Is not builders/sons for themeselves
or he has ordered-words toward the Earth upon herself in blood man
in the hand myself he who whispers masters He Is if builder/son if a built one themselves
for this point he has said masters He Is yea/a nostril/anger for the Evil Ones a sword toward Foundation of Peace man
And behold! within herself builders/sons toward yourselves את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal upon whom/straightly upon Foundation of Peace את-self eternal all whom/straightly upon herself
your eternal selves for את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal for not freely את-self eternal all whom/straightly within herself he who whispers masters