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Ezekiel 44

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is sitting my eternal self road and Himself
and he is saying toward myself He Is the Gate this one he is becoming not and a man/each one not he is coming in himself for He Is mighty ones God Straightened he has come in himself and he has become
את-self eternal Himself he sat in himself loaf to the faces He Is the Gate he is coming
road toward faces the House and I am seeing And behold! He Is את-self eternal house He Is toward faces
and he is saying toward myself He Is builder/son man your heart he has seen/see in the eyes of yourself he has heard את-self eternal all whom/straightly myself the wasteland your eternal self house He Is and you have set your heart the House within the whole
and you have said toward toward house God Straightened this point he has said masters He Is great one to yourselves from all/every house God Straightened
sons/my son a heart flesh in the hand את-self eternal in the hand את-self eternal and blood את-self eternal in the hand god all
and not your inner selves are seq in the hand to yourselves
this point he has said masters He Is all builder/son a heart flesh not he is coming toward builder/son whom/straightly in the center sons/my son God Straightened
for if whom/straightly God Straightened whom/straightly the behind one guilty one of themselves
toward the House את-self eternal the House themselves את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal to the people to the faces of themselves
for the purpose/because whom/straightly to the faces to the house God Straightened bent over one upon an upright one the hand of myself upon themselves he who whispers masters He Is guilty one of themselves
and not toward myself to myself upon all toward whom/straightly they have made
the House whom/straightly he is making
sons/my son whom/straightly את-self eternal sons/my son God Straightened themselves toward myself to the faces to myself and blood he who whispers masters He Is
themselves toward toward את-self eternal
and he has become in the hand toward and not upon themselves in the hand in the hand
they are becoming upon they are becoming upon not
toward toward toward the Gathered People את-self eternal whom/straightly themselves within themselves in the hand in the hand behind ones and not את-self eternal the Gathered People in the hand
not not את-self eternal
not all in the hand toward
not to themselves for if in the hand house God Straightened whom/straightly she is becoming left-alone
and אֵת-self eternal my Gathered in between holy and between
and upon themselves in the hand and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal within the whole and אֵת-self eternal in the hand
and toward/don't man not he is coming for if whom/straightly not she has become to a man
and the one behind seven days to himself
and within the day they have come in toward toward he who whispers masters He Is
and she has become to themselves myself not to themselves in the hand myself
themselves and every/all ban in the hand to themselves he is becoming
all all and every/all all from all/every he is becoming in the hand toward your house
all from out of not