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Ezekiel 45

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

את-self eternal the Earth in the hand to He is holy from out of the Earth a thousand ten a thousand holy Himself within the whole circling
he is becoming toward circling to himself circling
this one a thousand thousands he is becoming holy
holy from out of the Earth Himself he is becoming את-self eternal He Is and he has become to themselves
a thousand thousands he is becoming the House to themselves twenty/rich ones
thousands a thousand house God Straightened he is becoming
toward faces and toward/don't faces a sea her sea one a sea toward
to the earth he is becoming to himself in the hand and not going around את-self eternal my Gathered and the Earth to the house God Straightened
this point he has said masters He Is great one to yourselves God Straightened turn aside they have made upon my Gathered he who whispers masters He Is
just-one just-one just-one he is to yourselves
the Ephah one he is becoming the Ephah toward he is becoming
twenty/rich ones twenty/rich ones ten he is becoming to yourselves
this one whom/straightly the Ephah the Ephah the Gates
from out of for
one from out of from out of God Straightened upon themselves he who whispers masters He Is
all the Gathered People the Earth they are becoming toward this one in the hand
and upon he is becoming within the whole house God Straightened Himself he is making את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal away from house God-Straightened
this point he has said masters He Is in the hand to renew/new moon builder/son את-self eternal
and he is giving toward the House and toward/don't four and upon
and thus she/yourself is making in the hand in the new moon את-self eternal the House
in the hand ten day to renew/new moon he is becoming to yourselves days commandments
and he who makes within the Day all together with the Earth
days he is making unjust one to He is seven of split asunder ones strong-leaders (rams) to a day seven the Days to a day
he is making
ten day to renew/new moon he is making like a goddess seven the Days