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Jonah 1

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is becoming word He Is toward builder/son to say
to yourself toward upon herself for to the faces
He Is within herself He Is
and He Is spirit toward the Sea and he is becoming
a man toward upon את-self eternal whom/straightly toward the Sea from upon themselves toward
toward himself abundance and he is saying to himself what/how to yourself he read toward gods of yourself the Gods to ourselves and not
and they are speaking a man toward walk! in the hand this one to ourselves and he is falling upon
and they are speaking toward himself pray to ourselves this one to ourselves what/how angelic-mission of yourself what/how Gathered People your eternal self
and he is saying toward themselves my own self and אֵת-self eternal He Is mighty ones the Dual-Heavenly ones myself he feared whom/straightly he has made את-self eternal the Sea and אֵת-self eternal
he is being seen and they are speaking toward himself what/how this one for they have perceived for He Is Himself flee! for to themselves
and they are speaking toward himself what/how we are making to yourself the Sea for the Sea he who walks
and he is saying toward themselves toward the Sea the Sea for he is seeing myself for the Great this one
toward and not they are finished for the Sea he who walks upon themselves
toward He Is and they are speaking He Is do not pray in the hand the Man this one and toward/don't give upon ourselves blood for your eternal self He Is as when
and they are lifting up את-self eternal toward the Sea And he is standing firm the Sea
he is being seen את-self eternal He Is to He is