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Proverbs 29

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

a man reproofs suddenly he is breaking in pieces and there is not healing
just ones the Gathered People Gathered People
a man has loved father of himself and the companion wealth
king in judgement earth
he has become mighty/warrior upon upon
in the hand a man evil one and he has rejoiced
has perceived not
meeting-city yea/a nostril/anger
a man את-self eternal a man and there is not
bloods his breath/soul
all/every and has been wise in the hand in the hand
upon word false one all/every criminals
eye of myself the both of themselves He Is
rod/scepter he is giving
criminals in the hand

in the hand vision Gathered People torah
not male-servant for and there is not
a man
he is becoming
a man yea/a nostril/anger abundance
man spirit
with his breath/soul goddess and not
man he is giving
multitudes faces judgement a man
just ones a man unjustly