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Proverbs 4

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RBT Paraphrase


RBT Hebrew Literal

Hear builders/sons discipline
for he has taken good one to yourselves do not
for builder/son I have become to the faces mother of myself
and he is saying to myself my word your heart
do not and toward/don't mouth
do not love

for in the hand
give favor/graciousness
he has heard sons/my son to yourself duplicates living ones
within a road within the round-track
in the hand not and if not
do not for herself your living ones
in the hand criminals do not and toward/don't within a road evil ones
do not she is crossing over in himself
for not if not if not
for loaf
just ones he who walks until/testimony he who is erected The Day
road criminals not they have perceived in what
sons/my son
do not in the center
for living ones themeselves in the hand healing
watch over/protect your heart for living ones
twisted ones mouth
the eye of yourself
and the whole they are being set upright
do not