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Proverbs 12

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

has loved discipline has loved
good one
not man in the hand just ones
woman in the hand
plots just ones judgement criminals
my word criminals blood
criminals just ones
a man a heart he is becoming
good one to himself loaf
he is seeing soul in the hand criminals
male-servant he is satisfied loaf in want/lacking a heart
evil ones just ones he is giving
in the hand evil one and he is going out
mouth a man he is satisfied good one the hand of myself man to himself
road within his eyes
within the Day he is seeing
he is breathing just-one and until
a sword healing
and until the tongue false one
in the hand evil one peace
not all/every sorrow have become filled evil one
He Is false one
man and the heart he is reading
she is becoming
a man good one
and a road criminals
not man
in the hand living ones and a road do not he has died