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Proverbs 3

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RBT Paraphrase


RBT Hebrew Literal

sons/my son do not your heart
for days living ones to yourself
a kind one and the true one do not join/league together them upon upon tablet your heart
favor/graciousness good one in the hand mighty ones
in the hand toward He Is within the whole your heart and toward/don't do not
within the whole and Himself
do not in the eyes of yourself he feared את-self eternal He Is

make heavy/honor את-self eternal He Is all/every

discipline He Is sons/my son do not and toward/don't in the hand
for את-self eternal whom/straightly He Is את-self eternal builder/son
straight/happy ones man he has found
for good one silver
precious herself and the whole not within herself
days ten and glory
her roads roads and the whole peace
living ones herself within herself
He Is in the hand earth he is making firm/secure dual Heavens
in the hand dew
sons/my son do not watch over/protect
and they are becoming living ones
at that time not
if you/she is lying down not
do not unexpectedly criminals for
for He Is he is becoming
do not good one your hand to make
do not she is speaking to yourself your eternal self
do not upon evil of yourself and Himself he who is sitting your eternal self
do not with man freely if not
do not in the hand and toward/don't within the whole
for He Is and אֵת-self eternal
He Is within house just ones is kneeling/blessing
if Himself he is giving favor/graciousness