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He is Summoning 27

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RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is ordering words He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") to say
he has ordered-words toward sons/my son God Straightened and you have said toward themselves a man for in the hand to He is
and he has become twenty/rich ones duplicate and until builder/son duplicate and he has become silver in the hand
and if Himself and he has become thirty
and if and until builder/son twenty/rich ones duplicate and he has become twenty/rich ones
and if he has renewed and until builder/son and he has become silver silver
and if duplicate if and he has become ten
and if Himself to the faces his eternal self upon mouth whom/straightly
and if in the hand whom/straightly to He is all/every whom/straightly he is giving to He is he is becoming holy
not and not his eternal self good one by an evil or evil one within the good and if in the hand and he has become Himself he is becoming holy
and if all/every in the hand whom/straightly not to He is את-self eternal to the faces
your eternal self between good one and between evil one an upright one he is becoming
and if upon upon
for את-self eternal his house holy to He is between good one and between evil one as when his eternal self an upright one
and if את-self eternal his house silver upon himself and he has become to himself
and if a man to He is and he has become a seed barleys silver
and if behind/after to himself את-self eternal Silver ones upon mouth until/testimony
and if את-self eternal his eternal self silver upon himself to himself
and if not את-self eternal and if את-self eternal to a man behind/after not going around
and he has become in the hand holy to He is she is becoming
and if את-self eternal whom/straightly not to He is
to himself את-self eternal until/testimony and he is giving את-self eternal within the Day holy to He is
in the duplicate his erected-one to himself the Earth
and the whole he is becoming in the hand twenty/rich ones he is becoming
Only in the hand whom/straightly to He is not a man his eternal self if the traveler [ox] if each lamb to He is Himself
and if upon himself and if not in the hand
Only all/every ban whom/straightly a man to He is whom/straightly to himself not and not all/every ban holy Himself to He is
all/every ban whom/straightly from out not he has died
and the whole the Earth the Earth to He is Himself holy to He is
and if a man upon himself
and the whole all/every whom/straightly below he is becoming holy to He is
not between good one and not and if and he has become Himself he is becoming holy not upon
goddess whom/straightly He Is את-self eternal Drawn Out ("Moses") toward sons/my son God Straightened in the hand