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He is Summoning 26

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RBT Hebrew Literal

not you are making to yourselves not to yourselves not in the hand upon herself for myself He Is mighty ones of yourselves
את-self eternal in the hand myself He Is
if in the hand and אֵת-self eternal their eternal selves
in the hand the Earth he is giving his fruit
to yourselves את-self eternal את-self eternal a seed in the hand
peace in the earth and there is not from out the Earth not she is crossing over in the hand
את-self eternal
from yourselves from yourselves
toward yourselves your eternal selves your eternal selves את-self eternal in the hand your eternal selves
he has renewed
in the hand and not the breath of myself your eternal selves
in the hand to yourselves and you you all are becoming to myself
myself He Is mighty ones of yourselves whom/straightly your eternal selves from the earth of Dual-Siege to themselves slaves your eternal selves
and if not to myself and not you are making את-self eternal all/every the Goddess
and if in the hand and if את-self eternal judgements in order that not את-self eternal all/every את-self eternal in the hand
yea/a nostril/anger myself this one to yourselves את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal dual eyes soul
faces to the faces and there is not
and if until/testimony goddess not to myself your eternal selves upon
את-self eternal את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal the earth of yourselves
and not give the earth of yourselves את-self eternal the Earth not he is giving his fruit
and if my Gathered and not you are wanting to myself
את-self eternal your eternal selves את-self eternal in the hand your eternal selves
and if in the hand not to myself my Gathered
yea/a nostril/anger myself in company with yourselves in the hand and I have struck your eternal selves also myself upon
a sword vengeance in the hand toward the cities of yourselves he has ordered-words in the hand in the hand he who is hated
in the hand to yourselves loaf ten women in the hand one and not
and if in the hand not to myself my Gathered in the hand
in company with yourselves your eternal selves yea/a nostril/anger myself upon
in the hand in the hand in the hand you all are eating
את-self eternal את-self eternal את-self eternal upon the breath of myself your eternal selves
את-self eternal the cities of yourselves את-self eternal and not in the hand
myself את-self eternal the Earth upon herself within herself
a sword and she has become the earth of yourselves a wasteland they are becoming
at that time the Earth את-self eternal in the hand all/every days and you in the earth at that time the Earth את-self eternal in the hand
all/every days את-self eternal whom/straightly not in the hand in the hand upon herself
in the hand and he has chased their eternal selves voice ascending one a sword and there is not
a man in the hand a sword and he has chased there is not and not she is becoming to yourselves to the faces
your eternal selves earth
in the hand their eternal selves
את-self eternal guilty one of themselves and אֵת-self eternal bent over one in the hand whom/straightly within me whom/straightly they have walked my Gathered in the hand
yea/a nostril/anger myself I am walking in the hand their eternal selves in the earth or at that time את-self eternal guilty one of themselves
את-self eternal in the hand את-self eternal in the hand את-self eternal in the hand and the Earth
and the Earth את-self eternal in the hand and themselves את-self eternal guilty one of themselves for the purpose/because in the hand and אֵת-self eternal
also this one in the earth not and not in the hand their eternal selves for myself He Is
to themselves in the hand whom/straightly their eternal selves from the earth of Dual-Siege the Nations to themselves myself He Is
goddess whom/straightly he has given He Is and between sons/my son God Straightened in the hand in the hand