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Job 1

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RBT Hebrew Literal

a man/each one he has become in the earth his name and he has become the Man and he is seeing mighty ones
to himself she has sevened/seven builders/sons built-ones
and he is seven upon very much and he is the Man from all/every sons/my son
and they are walking house a man/each one
and he is for days ascending-steps a number/he who counts all of them for he has said sons/my son mighty ones he is making all
and he is The Day sons/my son the Gods upon He Is also in the hand
and he is saying He Is toward and he is eyeing את-self eternal He Is and he is saying in the earth within herself
and he is saying He Is toward your heart upon slaves for there is not in the earth a man/each one he feared mighty ones
and he is eyeing את-self eternal He Is and he is saying he feared mighty ones
את-self eternal his house all whom/straightly to himself a work in the earth
he has sent pray within the whole whom/straightly to himself if not upon he is blessing/kneeling yourself
and he is saying He Is toward Behold all whom/straightly to himself in the hand toward himself do not and he is going out faces He Is
and he is The Day those who eat within house
he has come toward and he is saying the Dawn they have become upon
and אֵת-self eternal a sword myself to yourself/walk
going around this one the wasteland he has come and he is saying fire mighty ones from out of the Dual-Heavenly ones myself to yourself/walk
going around this one the wasteland he has come and he is saying his name upon and אֵת-self eternal a sword myself to yourself/walk
until this one the wasteland he has come and he is saying your builders/sons those who eat within house
And behold! spirit the Desolate One in the hand the House and he is falling upon myself to yourself/walk
את-self eternal את-self eternal and he is falling
and he is saying mother of myself there-her He Is he has given and He Is he has taken he is name He Is
within the whole this one not he has missed and not he has given tasteless folly