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Micah 7

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RBT Paraphrase


RBT Hebrew Literal

to myself for I have become there is not the breath of myself
from out the Earth there is not all of them a man את-self eternal ban
upon causing evil he has ordered-words his breath/soul Himself
day now she is becoming
do not by an evil do not in the hand open! of the mouth of yourself
for builder/son a built one complete one/bride enemies of myself a man his house
and myself for my eloah mighty ones
do not to myself for I stood up for He Is light
He Is for to himself until/testimony whom/straightly and he who makes judgements I see in the hand
toward myself He Is gods of yourself eye of myself within herself now she is becoming
day day
day Himself he is coming and until dual water the Mount
and she has become the Earth upon
in the center
from the earth of Dual-Siege
backside ones [nations] upon mouth
earth toward He Is mighty ones of ourselves
who god carrying bent over one upon not they have baked for a kind one Himself
a sea all/every
give to Heel a kind one to Father of Multitude whom/straightly