Unveiling 8
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The Silent Half Interval
And when he opened the Seventh Signet-Seal, she became a silent one within the Heavenly one, just as a half time interval.The Mega Trumpet
and the half interval of herself...
The term ἡμιόριον (hēmiorion), derived from ἡμι- ("half") and ὥρα/ὄριον ("time period" or "boundary/interval"), refers to "half a unit of time" or "a partial interval." In the prophetic and eschatological contexts, it symbolizes a shorter duration within a larger temporal framework, such as the "time, times, and half a time" found in the apocalyptic literature (e.g., Daniel 7:25; Revelation 12:14).
Her Song.
vs. the "whole note":
And I perceived the Seven Angels, whichever ones are standing face to face with the God, and they have been given to themselves, seven war-trumpets.
And another angel came, and he stood ready on the Altar, he who is holding golden frankincense, and he was given to himself, incense multitudinous, so that he will give to the Prayers of the all the Holy ones upon the Golden Altar face to face with the Throne.
And the Smoke of the Incenses climbed up to the Prayers of the Holy ones from out of a hand of the Angel face to face with the God.
Climbing out of the "hand" of Evening Five maidens in the evening dark...
...now seven in the dawn light
"I have spoken, I am climbing within a palm tree ("Tamar"), I am taking possession within the spadix-stalk of himself, and they are becoming, pray, the dual breasts of yourself as the clusters of the Vine, and the aroma of the nostril of yourself as the Apple Trees!"
(Song of Songs 7:8 RBT)And the Angel took hold of the Frankincense and filled up himself from out of the Fire of the Altar, and he cast into the Earth, and they became thunders and voices and bright lightnings, and also an earthquake.
The Five Maidens, now Seven
And the Seven Angels, the ones who are holding the seven war-trumpets, prepared themselves so that they could sound the trumpet.She is complete, seven, from origin to outer edge.
The Fake Pastures Burned Up
And the First one trumpeted, and she became a hailstorm and fire, those that have been mixed within blood, and she was cast into the Earth and the Third One of the Earth was burned up, and the Third One of the Trees was burned up, and every tender-shoot colored pasture was burned up.12And the Second Angel trumpeted, and just like a mega mountain, that which is burning up with fire was cast into the Sea and the Third One of the Sea, she became blood.
Κτισμάτων -"buildings/Colonies"
And the Third One of the Buildings died off, the ones within the Sea, the ones who are holding a soul-life, and the Third One of the Ships, they were completely destroyed.And the Third Angel trumpeted, and a mega star fell from out of the Heavenly One, he who is being kindled, just like a torch, and he fell upon the Third One of the Rivers and upon the Springs of the Waters.
And the Name of the Star is called the Absinthe,13 and the Third One of the Waters became into absinthe, and multitudes of the Men died away from out of the Waters which were made bitter.
The Third Day of Herself
And the Fourth Angel trumpeted, and the Third One of the Sun and the Third One of the Moon and the Third One of the Stars was struck, so that the Third One of themselves should be darkened, and the Day, she should not appear, the Third One of herself. And the Night in like manner.And I perceived and I heard one eagle, he who is flying within middle-heaven, he who is speaking by a mega voice, "Woe Woe Woe to the ones who are living upon the Earth from out the Remaining ones, voices of the Trumpet of the Three Angels of the ones who are about to trumpet!"
Woe! Woe! Woe!