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Nehemiah 8

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RBT Hebrew Literal

all the Gathered People as a man one toward whom/straightly to the faces the Dual Water and they are speaking את-self eternal a book torat/direction Drawn Out ("Moses") whom/straightly He Is את-self eternal God Straightened
את-self eternal to the faces and until a woman and every/all of discernment within the Day one to renew/new moon the Seventh one
and he is summoning in himself to the faces whom/straightly to the faces the Dual Water from out of until The Day opposite/counter all the Gathered People toward a book
And he is standing firm upon whom/straightly they have made And he is standing firm upon He Is Remembered ("Zechariah")
all the Gathered People for from upon all the Gathered People he has become all the Gathered People
את-self eternal He Is the Gods the Great all the Gathered People in the hand to He is
and sons right side in the hand את-self eternal the Gathered People upon
within Direction of the Gods
and he is saying Himself את-self eternal the Gathered People the Gathered People The Day holy Himself to He is mighty ones of yourselves do not in the hand and toward/don't for all the Gathered People את-self eternal my word
and he is saying to themselves walk! they ate he who is erected to himself for holy one The Day and toward/don't for He Is herself
the Gathered People to say for The Day holy and toward/don't
all the Gathered People for whom/straightly
and within the day the Second One my head the Gathered People toward toward my word
whom/straightly He Is in the hand Drawn Out ("Moses") whom/straightly sons/my son God Straightened in the new moon the Seventh one
and whom/straightly voice within the whole to say the Mount upon myself
the Gathered People to themselves a man/each one upon house the Gods the Dual Water
all from out of for not they have made builder/son an upright one sons/my son God Straightened until The Day and she has become very much
and he is summoning in the hand torat/direction the Gods day within the Day from out of The Day until The Day seven days and within the day the Eighth