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Malachi 2

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toward yourselves commandment this one O priests
if not you will hear and if not you will take [it] upon a heart to give glory to My name he has said He Is armies and I will send upon you את-self eternal a curse and I will curse את-self eternal your blessings and also I have cursed them for not you dual Heavens upon a heart
Behold I will rebuke to yourselves את-self eternal descendants and spread refuse upon the faces of yourselves the refuse of your [solemn] feasts and he has carried your eternal selves toward himself
Then you shall know for I have sent toward yourselves את-self eternal commandment this one that may continue My covenant את-self eternal Levi he has said He Is armies
My covenant she has become his eternal self [one] of life and peace and I gave them to himself [that he might] fear [Me] so he feared Me and before my name reverent Himself
torat/direction of truth she has become in his mouth and injustice not was found on his lips in peace and equity he has walked my eternal self and many turned away from iniquity
for the lips of a priest should keep knowledge and Torah [people] should seek from his mouth for the messenger He Is armies Himself
and you have departed from out of the way You have caused to stumble multitudes at the law You have corrupted the covenant of Levi he has said He Is armies
and also myself have made your eternal selves contemptible and base Before all the Gathered People because whom/straightly not you have kept את-self eternal roads but have shown partiality - in the law
Is not Father one all Is not god one created us why do we deal treacherously a man/each one with another by profaning the covenant of the fathers
has dealt treacherously Land of Casters and an abomination has been committed in Israel and in Jerusalem for has profaned Land of Casters holy He Is whom/straightly has loved and He has married a built one god a foreign
May cut off He Is to a man whom/straightly he is making herself he who is awake and aware from the tents Heel-Chaser and yet who brings an offering to He is of hosts
and this one second one you are making You cover with tears את-self eternal place of slaughter/sacrifice He Is with weeping and groaning not going around so He does regard toward the offering nor receive [it] with goodwill from the hand of yourselves
and you have said upon what/how upon for He Is has been witness Between you and between woman of your youth whom/straightly your eternal self have dealt treacherously within herself and herself your companion and a woman of covenant
and not one he has made and the remaining one spirit to himself and what one He seeks a seed mighty ones therefore take heed to your spirit and with the wife of his youth do not let deal treacherously
for he hated he has sent he has said He Is mighty ones God Straightened for it covers violence upon one's garment he has said He Is armies Therefore take heed to your spirit and not you do deal treacherously
You have wearied He Is with your words and you have said in what have we wearied [Him] in that you say all he has made evil one good one in the sight He Is and in them Himself delights or where mighty ones of justice