Hosea 10
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God Straightened to himself as abounding one abundantlynow Himself in the hand
for now they are saying there is not a king to ourselves for not את-self eternal He Is what/how he is making to ourselves
they ordered words words false in the hand judgement upon/against breasts
house sorrow for upon himself upon himself upon/against for
also the eternal sign of himself to the King he is taking God Straightened
upon/against faces dual water
sorrow God Straightened upon/against in the hand and they are saying
God Straightened name not war upon/against sons/my son
in the hand upon themselves the peoples in the hand
she who teaches I have loved and myself I have crossed over upon/against he became good Land of Casters to himself Heel-Chaser
to yourselves a kind one to yourselves את-self eternal He Is until he is coming just-one to yourselves
for in abundance
in the hand and every/all house within the Day war if upon/against builders/sons
he has made to yourselves house a god from the faces of myself a king God Straightened