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Hosea 8

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RBT Paraphrase


RBT Hebrew Literal

toward upon/against house He Is for the purpose/because they crossed over and upon have broken away
to myself mighty ones God Straightened
God Straightened he became good he who is hated
themeselves and not from out of myself and not I have perceived they have made to themselves in order that
he has burned within themselves until when not they are not able
for and Himself he has engraved and not mighty ones Himself for he is becoming
for spirit there is not to himself in the hand he is making maybe he is making unknown strangers
God Straightened now they have become within the Nations there is not in himself
for themselves to himself lovers
also for within the Nations now in the hand a little one a king
for abundantly in the hand they have become to himself in the hand
to himself myriad
in the hand flesh He Is not now guilty one of themselves themselves of Dual-Siege
God Straightened את-self eternal abundantly in the hand fire in the hand