Hosea 12
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house God Straightened until together with/a people a god and withevil one spirit and he has chased east wind all the Day/Today together with/a people
and the strife to He is together with/a people Land of Casters upon/against Heel-Chaser to himself
את-self eternal brother of himself את-self eternal mighty ones
toward to himself house a god he is ordering words in company with ourselves
and He Is mighty ones He Is
and your eternal self a kind one toward gods of yourself at all times/perpetually
in the hand fraud/deceit has loved
and he is saying Only sorrow to myself all not they are finding to myself bent over one which he has missed
He Is gods of yourself from the earth of Dual-Siege until
upon/against the Prophets vision the Prophets ground of adam
if sorrow Only false they have become also in the hand upon/against breasts
Heel-Chaser God Straightened in the hand
He Is את-self eternal God Straightened
upon himself and the reproach of himself to himself