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Psalms 35
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to Beloved He Is את-self eternal loaf את-self eternala shield in the hand
he has said myself
they are ashamed the breath/soul of myself the backside
they are becoming like chaff to the faces spirit He Is
he is He Is
for freely myself freely
not has perceived which in the hand within herself
all He Is who depressed and begging one
are standing ready which not
evil one below
and myself sackcloth the breath/soul of myself upon/against
as a brother myself if
upon myself and not and not
in the hand upon myself
inner master of myself so many the breath/soul of myself
I am casting yourself in the congregation multiplying one in the hand
do not myself enemies of myself false one those who hate myself freely
for not peace and upon an earth my word their inner selves are to devise
upon myself
He Is do not inner master of myself god from myself
mighty ones and lords
He Is mighty ones and toward/don't myself
do not they are saying do not they are saying
they are ashamed in union in the hand upon myself
and they are speaking at all times/perpetually is magnified He Is peace
she is growling your just one all The Day