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Zephaniah 2

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RBT Hebrew Literal

in the hand like chaff crossed over day in the hand not he is coming yea/a nostril/anger He Is in the hand not he is coming day yea/a nostril/anger He Is
את-self eternal He Is all the Earth whom/straightly they made just-one within the Day yea/a nostril/anger He Is
for fierce one she is becoming
woe/alas the Sea nation word He Is earth Dual Wallowers he who is sitting
and she has become the Sea evil ones
and he has become house Land of Casters upon themselves their inner selves are to pasture in the hand their inner selves are to stretch for He Is upon
sons/my son whom/straightly את-self eternal my Gathered upon
therefore myself he who whispers He Is armies mighty ones God Straightened for as Sodom she is becoming and sons a devastation until my Gathered nation
this one to themselves below for upon together with He Is armies
He Is upon themselves for את-self eternal all mighty ones the Earth to himself a man/each one all the Nations
also their eternal selves themselves
and he is stretching out hand of himself upon את-self eternal את-self eternal
all nation also also in the hand voice a sword for
this one She who sits myself going around she has become all upon herself