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Isaiah 1:18

She has been corrected
Walk, please! And she has been corrected,3 He Is is saying, if the misses of yourselves are as two, they are being made white as snow. If they are becoming red as the worm, they are becoming as wool.


Isa. 1:18

Hebrew ונוכחה and she has been corrected. She has been corrected, reasoned with, reproved, convicted, made right.

  • נוכחה (nochacha) is the third person feminine singular in the Niphal, complete form.

The translation "let us reason together" is simply wrong. In fact, it is far from what the first person plural would look like which makes this a rather mischievious translation, at best.

The proper spelling for the first person plural form in the complete tense would be "נוכחנו" (nochachnu). This form is used when "we" are the subject of the sentence.