Genesis 9:14
And he has become in my beclouding341 a covering-cloud upon the Earth, and the Bow is being seen in the Covering-Cloud.
341 | To Cloud [Covert] of the West Strong’s #6049, anan. To cloud over, act covertly, hidden arts [soothsayer, sorcery]. The root means to cover. “Sorcerer” and “sorceress” were derived from the participle, he-who-beclouds, she-who-beclouds as those acting covertly with “hidden arts”. Jesus must have alluded to this, “And he said also to the multitudes, ‘When you see the cloud rising up on/against the west, immediately you say, A rainstorm is coming, and so it becomes.’” (Luke 12:54 literal). He gave us an important clue: the cloud rises upon the west(sea). He did not say “clouds” but the singular cloud. Other scriptures, “A hot-one of a cloud [anan] and thick darkness” Zephaniah 1:15 “According to the vision of the Rainbow whom IS BECOMING in the Cloud [anan] in the hot-one of the Rainshower, upright is the vision of the brightness encircling. Himself is the vision of the copy of the weight of Yahweh.” Ezekiel 1:28 “A cloud will cover her, and her built-ones will go into captivity.” Ezekiel 30:18 “And HE IS BECOMING in the going out of the Priests from the Set-Apart-Place, and the Cloud has filled the house of Yahweh, and the Priests have not been able to stand to minister from the faces of the Cloud, for the weight of Yahweh has filled the house. At that time has said Solomon, “Yahweh has said to dwell in the Gloom.” 1 Kings 8:10-12 literal |