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Genesis 8:9

And the dove has not found a resting place for the palm of her foot,312 and she is turning back toward him, toward the Chest, for the dual-waters are upon the faces of the whole of the Earth, and he is sending forth his hand, and he is taking313 אֶת-her, and is causing to come in herself toward him, toward the Chest.314



Strong’s #3709, kaph, the hollow of your hand or palm. Distinguished from the wrist and arm, Leviticus 14:16,17,18,27,28. The same word is used to describe the sole of the foot. The feet are the members of Christ’s Body that were washed—the least of these. Peter was the Rock upon which Christ built up his Church and Jesus washed only Peter’s feet. Judas, representing the middle/stomach of the Body, was not clean. Christ’s “pattern” (the same way the Law is a pattern) included putting a towel around his middle and then using the same towel to wash Peter’s feet, revealing the destiny of the middle (John 13:4-15).