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Genesis 6:4

The fallen ones226 have become in the Earth in the Days of Themselves, and also the back of227 upright, which the builders of the Elohim are coming toward built-ones of the Red-one, and they have borne to-themselves, those-ones are the Mighty-Men,228 who are from the eternal on,229 the men of the Name.230



Strong’s #5769, ha-olam. The horizon, the hidden, the future, etc. Literally horizon. The past is not concealed and thus doesn’t logically fit the word. This is not the same as Strong’s #5703, ad, which means perpetuity. Yahweh is the Rock of Olamim (Future-ones), Isaiah 26:4. The Kingdom is a kingdom of kal-Olamim (whole of future-ones), Psalm 145:13. “From olam to olam, you are el” Psalm 90:2. “future to future” makes more sense than “eternity to eternity”. “Of old” as many translations render it sounds out of place being only the sixth Chapter of Genesis? Technically all the characters in the story are “of old”.