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Genesis 37:25

And they are sitting to eat bread, and they are lifting up their eyes, and are seeing, and behold, a traveling-company of El-Hears-ites, she-who-comes from Witness-Heap, and their camels are those-who-lift-up a smitten-one,1173 and a lumped-one,1174 and a wrapped-one,1175 going to take them down to Dual-Strait.



Honey = Lumped/Sticky Mass Pressed together

Strong’s #1706, debash. A lumped mass. This is the word for honey. From the root dabash (unused). Gesenius writes, “to work up a mass”. Feurst writes, “to be slimed together, put together by grease, as thing which is slimy, sticky, fat…generally to be pressed together (into a lump or mass). See dabbashet (#1707), camel hump.