Genesis 35:16
And they are pulling-up from House of El, and he is becoming again a kibrath1090 of the Earth to come in Fruitful-ward,1091 and Ewe is bearing, and she is hardened in her bearing.
1091 | Strong’s #672, Ephrathah, fruitful. A name for Bethlehem in Micah 5:2, “And yourself is House of Bread, Fruitful, little to become in thousands of Shooting [Judah], from you to-myself he is going out to become a ruling-one in El-Strives, his origins [“going-out” in noun form] are from the front [east], from the days of olam…” It’s probably worth paying attention to this theme of miqedem (front, east, sunrise) as we find it curiously elsewhere: “…and behold the Star which [or who?] they saw in the dawn-rising [i.e. east] lead them forth until having come it [he] stood over where the child was.” Matthew 2:9 literal |