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Genesis 22:3

And Father-of-Tumult is shouldering-up in the Cattle,748b and he is binding אֶת-his male-ass, and is taking אֶת-second of his scattered-ones את-himself, and אֶת-He-Laughs his son/builder, and he is splitting woods of a leaf, and he is standing up and is walking toward the Standing-place of which has said to himself the Elohim.



Hebrew וישכם אברהם בבקר. "Rising up early" is a very "tropical" interpretation of a word which means according to Strong's Lexicon, 

"A primitive root; properly, to incline (the shoulder to a burden); but used only as denominative from shkem; literally, to load up (on the back of man or beast)" 

(cf. Strong's #7925)

Because of the meaning of this verb, it makes much more sense to translate בבקר as "in the cattle/herd" instead of "morning." There are far less complicated ways to express rising up in the morning. 

בקר boqer morning, Strong's #1242.

בקר cattle/herd/oxen, Strong's #1241

These are related/derived from the verb בקר to inquire/seek/investigate, Strong's #1240.  See also Strong's #1243 בקרה baqqarah investigation/inspection.