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Genesis 22:14

And Father-of-Tumult is calling-out the name of the Standing-place of Himself `Yahweh is seeing`757 whom he is being called the Hot-one,758 in the mountain of Yahweh he is being seen.`759



Hebrew yera’eh יֵרָאֶֽה is Niphal incomplete passive/reflexive form, he is being seen. The commentaries affirm the literal, but interpretations are varied,

“or, the Master shall appear (Oort, Kuenen), which overlooks the manifest allusion to Ver. 8 - as it is said to this hot-one, - or, so that it is said; cf. Genesis 13:16 (Keil) - In the mount of the Master it shall be seen - or "it shall be provided" (Gesenius, Rosenmüller, Dathe, 'Speaker's Commentary'), though by competent authorities it has been otherwise rendered. "In the mount the Master shall appear, or be seen" (LXX.); "in the mount the Master will see, or provide" (Vulgate, Syriac, Samaritan); "in the mount of the Master he will be seen" (Murphy); "in the mount of the Master one shall be seen," or "people appear," i.e. the people of God shall gather on this mountain for worship (Kalisch); "on the mountain where Jehovah appears" (Keil). Amidst such a conflict of interpretations absolute certainty is perhaps unattainable; but the sense of the proverb will probably be expressed by understanding it to mean that on the mount of Father-of-Tumult's sacrifice Jehovah would afterwards reveal himself for the salvation of his people…” (Pulpit Commentary on Genesis 22:14)