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Genesis 19:19

Behold, now, your slave has found a favored-one in your eyes, and you are causing to grow up your kind-one678 which you have made by-me,679 to cause to live my breath, and myself I am not able to escape the Mountain-ward, lest the Ruined-one is cleaving-to me,680 and I have died.



Strong’s #2617, chesed. Kind-one. Interpreted in the abstract “kindness” or “lovingkindness”. Sometimes it is found with a definite article,

And he has become because you all are hearing אֶת-the Judgements of These ones, and have guarded, and have made אֶת-them, and Yahweh your elohe has guarded to-yourself אֶת-the Cut-out-one and אֶת-the Kind-one whom he has sevened to your fathers.” Deut. 7:12 literal