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Genesis 13:18

And Raised-Father is tent-pitching, and is coming in, and is sitting in oaks of Mamre,502 which are in League,503 and is building there a slaughtering-place to Yahweh.



Strong’s #4471, מַמְרֵא mamre. Oaks of Mirror? Oaks of Vision? The word mara prefixed with מַ (ma-) makes it a proper name. Mara (#4755) מָרָא is the name Naomi uses for herself to express her bitterness (Ruth 1:20). Marar (#4843) means to be bitter. Mare (#4756) in Aramaic means master (see Daniel 2:47, 4:19, 4:24, 5:23). Mareh (#4758) is a noun that means vision based on the root verb ra’ah (#7200) to see. Most interesting is מַרְאָה mar’ah (#4759) a noun defined as a mirror for us in Exodus 38:8,

And he is making the pot of brass, and his pedestal of brass, in mirrors of the Warring ones, who have warred at the opening of the tent of an appointed time.” Exodus 38:8 literal

Strong and Gesenius associate it with an unused verb mara meaning to be full or well nourished and hence, fattened, or strengthened.