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Song of Solomon 1

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RBT Paraphrase


RBT Hebrew Literal

a song whom/straightly to Complete
for from wine
name of yourself upon an upright one
The King we are spinning around and we are rejoicing from wine
myself built-ones Foundation of Peace Complete One
do not the Sun sons/my son mother of myself his snort within me את-self eternal my vineyard who is to myself not
to myself the breath of myself where are you? where are you? Complete One upon
if not to yourself to yourself in the hand את-self eternal upon
in the hand my companion

gold we are making to yourself Gathered People Silver ones
until/testimony he has given
a bag beloved of myself to myself between breasts he is lodging the night
beloved of myself to myself in the hand
my companion the eye of yourself
beloved of myself yea/a nostril/anger yea/a nostril/anger
in the hand