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RBT Translation:

And he is fixing-upright64 Yahweh elohim, an enclosure65 in Eden, from the front [east],66 and he is setting he has set the Red-one whom he has formed.

RBT Paraphrase:
"A Pleasant Planting" - Isaiah 5:7
And He is mighty ones is planting upright, a protected-garden within Delight, from the front, and he is setting he has set the Man whom he has formed.
The Man placed within the Protected Garden.
The Man has been planted upright from the front/east. From the other side, yet to be... he is setting | he has set
LITV Translation:
And Jehovah God planted a garden in Eden to the east; and He put the man whom He had formed there.
ESV Translation:
And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed.
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
And God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and placed there the man whom he had formed.



Strong’s #5193, natah. To fix, fasten upright. “To set anything upright, so that it is fixed in the ground.” Cf. Gesenius. I.e. to plant. However, it has more to do with striking in place, than planting a seed, i.e “I will plant, I will not pluck up.”

You are not fixing-up [natah] to yourselves an Asherah [pole], the whole of a wood beside the slaughtering-place of Yahweh, your elohim.” Deut. 16:21 literal

Words of the wise-ones are as the Goads, and as nails [or pegs] are those-who-are-fixed-up [natah], owners of collections have been given from he-who-tends one.” Ecc. 12:11 literal


Strong’s #1588, enclosure.


from the front is a way of speaking about what is coming. Time is directional. Eden is directional. The Scriptures use an objective term (relative to one’s faces) for direction (Strong’s #6926) though it always gets translated abstractly as “east”.