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RBT Translation:

And the two of themselves106 are becoming prudent-ones107 of the Red-one, and his woman, and they are not causing themselves shame.108

RBT Paraphrase:
A Three Cord
And the two of themselves are becoming prudent ones of the Man, and also the woman of himself, and they are not shaming themselves.
LITV Translation:
And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and they were not ashamed.
ESV Translation:
And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
And the two were naked, both Adam and his wife, and were not ashamed.



Hebrew שְׁנֵיהֶם֙, shnehem. This is the dual construct of “two” (double) with a possessive masculine plural suffix, i.e. theirs. This word is typically interpreted as meaning both. The word, two, is a cognate of the verb shanah (#8138), to repeat, do again, fold over which is also the root of shanah (#8141) meaning a year. Gesenius wonders, “perhaps, however, the root is rather numeral, than in the verb.” The possessive suffix is rare on numbers and found only on the numerals two, three (Num. 12:4 and Eze. 40:10, 41:16), four (in Eze. 1,10,46), and seven (2 Sam. 21:9), in the Hebrew Scriptures. The Hebrew two + suffix is found much more frequently and is by far the more variegated number in the language. The numerals two and seven are the only numerals found with the dual suffix, i.e. twofold and sevenfold which give the notion of the number being repeated, doubled, or a pair. Hence the peculiar “a pair a pair” of Genesis 7:9. Two in the singular is שֵׁנִי and means second. A couple of Hebrew words exist for double—mishneh (#4932) “the double chariot” Gen. 41:43, and kaphal (#3717) “And you have doubled over the Sixth Curtain opposite toward the faces of the tent.” Exodus 26:9 literal

And HE IS BECOMING as their passing-by, and Elijah has said toward Elisha, ‘Ask what I am making for thee before I am being taken from thee.’ And Elisha is saying, ‘And HE IS BECOMING, now, a mouth of two in your spirit toward me.’” 2 Kings 2:9 literal


Strong’s #6175, #6174, arum. naked, prudentPrudent, shrewd is a secondary meaning.

A fool in the Day, his vexation is being perceived, and he-who-conceals a dishonored-one is naked [arum].” (Prov. 12:16 RBT)

A prudent [arum] red-one [adam] is he-who-conceals a perception…” (Prov. 12:23 RBT)

Every prudent one [arum] is making in perception…” (Prov. 13:16 RBT)

The wise one of the prudent one [arum] causes to understand his way…” (Prov. 14:8 RBT)

Strong’s #5903, erom. prudent, naked. This is different from eryah (#6181) naked, bare, uncovered which is used figuratively of defenselessness and emptiness. Hence, “prudent [erom] and bare [eryah]” (Eze. 16:7, 22, 39, 23:29).

like him who has come out from the belly of his mother prudent [erom], he is turning back to walk as he has come in; and he is not lifting anything in his toil which he might be causing to walk in his hand” Ecc. 5:15 RBT

And he is saying ‘Prudent [arom] I have come out from the belly of my mother, and prudent [erom] I am turning back thereHe Is has given, and He Is has taken hold, may he become, the name of He Is, blessed.” Job 1:21 RBT



Hithpael reflexive of to be ashamed.