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RBT Translation:
He set the One of Fat,72 he is encircling73 אֶת-every earth of the Spinning-one74 which is a name of the Gold-one,
RBT Paraphrase:
He has set the One, Fattened. Himself is the Encircler of every self eternal earth of the Spinning One, whom he set the Gold.
LITV Translation:
The name of the first was Pishon; it is the one surrounding all the land of Havilah where gold is ;
ESV Translation:
The name of the first is the Pishon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold.
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
The name of the one, Pishon, this it is which encircles the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold.



Strong’s #6376 and #6335, puwsh. Pishon is derived from puwsh which means grown fat, increased. “And ye have gone forth and have increased [puwsh] as calves of a stall” Malachi 4:2. “Because you increasest [puwsh] as a heifer at the tender grass,” Jeremiah 50:11.


Strong’s #5437, sabab. To turn around, go around, encircle, compass. See examples in Gen. 37:7, Num 21:4, and Deut. 2:1 “we circled [sabab] Mount Seir for many days.”


Strong’s #2341, ha-havilah. Has definite article. Derived from the word chuwl (#2342) which means spin, whirl, turn.

The implication of this word as used in Proverbs 8:24-25 is that "Lady Wisdom" was not merely “brought forth” but she was “spun out” or “turned out”. The built-one of Zion spins/circles [chuwl] and bursts forth like a woman in labor in the wilderness, Micah 4:10. El himself is circling, “The Rock that begat thee you are being unmindful and are forgetting el circling thee.” (Deut. 32:18).