The Gathered (“People”), the Walkers within the Dark One have seen a great light, the inhabitants within the land of the death shadow, a light has illuminated above themselves.
(Isaiah 9:2 RBT)
As elohim inhabits mortal vessels, like water filling an earthen jar or wine in a wineskin, there arises a separation. The vessel—the flesh—remains unaware of his origin, having forgotten his true nature, rendering himself impotent in service to the greater. The jar lies abandoned, fallen over, emptied of its contents, unable to be filled. The wineskin withers, its purpose unfulfilled, the wine becoming sour and bitter to all who taste of it.
The flesh had a strong, relentless bias: death. The world of flesh was severely inhibited by certain laws: laws of entropy, laws of gravity, laws of thermodynamics, laws of time, laws of death. The Book revealed that the flesh worked “anti” to himself, named “spirit.” Two forces diametrically opposed. It was learned that two biases, or “minds” as it were, dictate everything placing one in a Valley of Decision, every step. However, the initial step ultimately determines the trajectory. From the moment the Book emerged into the realm of flesh, it was ensnared by the biases inherent to corporeal existence. The world, in turn, fell sway to those who asserted dominance and authority over its interpretation—authorized scribes, esteemed elders, revered rabbis, priests in soft clothing, and scholars sanctioned by royal decree or funded by vast sums of money. None of whom ever evaded the fundamental problem of the flesh, nor set anyone free from its hold, nor benefited the mourning, nor empowered the weak, but rather led most like sheep to a slaughter. Yet they were adorned, celebrated, and revered for the numbers they lured in to pay their dues, while the countless bleeding out to death, left alone, vanishing into obscurity, widowhood, and orphanhood were unnumbered and forgotten.
Instead of laying stones and building her up, they picked up stones and threw them at her. But she, the Arche, the Origin, The Foundation of the Seven Pillars of Creation, the Reshith, the very “Head” and “beginning” of their very Life, was helpless, violently seized by men, and she continued paying her dues to a perpetual Caesar who was created for her by her owners, her baals, her authorities and principalities. In effect, giving her paramours payment, while being left empty handed, alone, and famished as a widow locked away forever. A mighty one of elohim was bent over, enslaved! The numbers of the desolated were accounted for however by the mysterious Book—a desolate widow multiplied,
How she has sat separated! A city of a multiplied People! She has become as a widow! Multiplied among the Nations, the princess within the Provinces has become a slave!
(Lamentations 1:1 RBT)

The authorities, out to stone the Origin of themselves for being a harlot, a harlot they themselves created.
Untold numbers of mighty princesses, born from above of an eternal queen of elohim, enslaved and desolated as widows? How could it be?
Punishment for violating the courts of the D.Ds, the Ph.Ds, and all the other respected titles was so severe that it meant death for many in the most brutal of ways. Others whipping or excommunication and reviling. Still others, shaming and disassociation. The numbers on display for the world were never of those slaughtered, shamed, destroyed, abandoned, or driven out. But who could know such numbers? The Book did. It spoke that all would be veneered behind a false face. A complete and utter trampling of the courts, a dug out Winepress filled to the brim of blood all the way until “the Horses.” A scattered flock left to pick out Gardens for themselves where they would be destined to dig forever for treasure, never finding.
“And the Trough [as dug into the ground] was trampled outside of the City, and blood went out from the Trough, until the Bridles of the Horses, away from a stadia of one thousand six hundred.”
Revelation 14:20 RBT
It was ourselves all along

“Vanity and Vanity” Demons. Adversary. The evil one.

a double portion of the spirit, going around and around in eternity…
In this way they fulfilled all of the dark sinister symbology of the Book, in themselves. There was never any separate army of spectral demons hunting humans, for they themselves were the ones preying on humans. There were never any possessed magicians, sorcerers, sorceresses out there to be weary of, for they themselves were the ones casting the “spells, enchantments, and magic” upon unaware souls. There was never any cosmic “hell” out there somewhere waiting below the throngs of humanity, for they themselves had dug it out below humanity, forming and fashioning it and then laying their nets at “the Head of every Street” to take the world captive (Isaiah 51:20). The Head of every Street meaning the Head of every sect, every denomination, every doctrine, every theological path there ever was. There was never a “horned monster” out there roaming around the earth seeking whom he may devour, because they themselves were their own horned monster, “the Father” begetting themselves below, to the spirit of the Darkness and blindness, creating a double—the double portion—of their own self image. Their power to create the very thing that they cast themselves as, the never saw. And so they slaughtered one another. They ran from their own hell shadows. The mourned and lamented. “The Adversary who roams the Earth.”
Thus they haunted themselves, attacked themselves, slapped, tormented, and butchered themselves, and became a stench to the world. And the “Dark One” multiplied beyond number until the World’s pain became “full to the brim.” They rode upon each others backs, and fled from themselves perpetually, and clamored violently over one another like one drowning in water, losing all sense to panic and fear, even when one should try to save them. Running, but never able to escape, because after all, they were running from their own death-shadows. The Book foresaw this too: the whole becoming a vanity vanity, vapor vapor, evil evil, death, dying. And Salvation in between themselves staked and hung at the Head of every Street.

evil one evil one, and Salvation in the middle.
One particular case of elohim in the flesh, the Salvation, we learn, found his way out. He submerged, crossed over, and ascended. From out of the death shadow and into the light. The Forerunner.
because those whom he knew beforehand, he predestined to be shaped together [symmorphus] to the image of the Son, into him who is the firstborn among many brothers.
Romans 8:29 RBT

standing/ascending in between the Left and Right. “Born from above.”
He was the first born above, a “spearhead” piercing everything straight through back to the Origin, making the way straight, breaching the castle, to redeem the harlot and set her free. Like Boaz (“In Himself is Strength”) redeeming his Ruth (his “Friend”), he redeems Heaven herself from the Grip of Hell. Returning and entering back into the Origin to stand up and be “born from above.” Ariel, the Lioness of God, the Queen, was released; her daughters, stood up.
Hoy! Ariel Ariel! The city where David/Beloved has declined upside down! Snatch up a duplicate upon a duplicate, the Feasts are making the round!
Isaiah 29: 1 RBT
This was the man in the middle. It was necessary for one to “stand up in the gap.” The gap of what? Between the two of themselves below, the father and the son of each other, their heart turned one against the other. Being two, flesh of darkness and spirit of darkness. One had to stand up in the middle. Why? Because their twin selves were crucifying himself. Himself being Salvation. Salvation being himself.
“I strike the Body of myself below the Eye of Myself to enslave it…
(1 Cor. 9:27 RBT)

Jacob wrestles Jacob. The son of “Day” of Vengeance vs. himself of the Night.

The three standing up. “A three-corded rope not easily broken.” The word “resurrection” was put in place of the true word, “standing up.”
And thus the prophets of the Book prophesied that the elohim, “the God of Ourselves” would return from the depths of a “dream” in which they slept a dead sleep, and they would become one, finally, with the Word of Himself, alive, living and active. They would no longer look for drink, but become the Drink. They would no longer search for food, but become the Bread Loaf. They would bring vengeance by becoming the Day of Vengeance from within their eternal origin, the Queen of Seven (“Sheba”). The Woman, the “Church of Himself” built up from above, instead of “dug down” below where she began, meant she would now, at last, stand up from “the south.” Her Foot-strike, because of what was done to her, would be mega fierce as the “Lioness of God.” Her wind, her spirit, her Judgement, her just ones. She was made a Harlot, and treated as such within the Night of herself. Now, she is aroused and rises up as the “Wind of the South” or, “the Day” with her “sons of Day” to flip the tables of the Heart, her own Heart. To restore the twins, the broken tables, below the Mountain. She herself, divided against herself, through lies spanning thousands of years, unable to stand, finally hears the eternal word, “Awake Awake, Deborah!” Deborah, “The Queen Bee.” Within her, her two lamenting, mourning selves are finally pressed together to become one, the Lioness (“Ariel”) of God. A full 180 degree change from the desolate widow of slavery, to the Woman who, as it is written, “judges down herself.” She comes out of being locked away, her eternal Voice, previously gagged and muted for millennia, now ringing mega loud:
And she is the Judgement, that the Light has come into the World, and men agape-loved [gave up themselves to] the Dark one rather than the Light. And so the Works of themselves were pain-ridden.
John 3:19 RBT
She, the one who stands up, the “bright cloud” casts a shadow of chaos and mourning, lying stretched out (“tohu”)… the “haAdamah” (ground of Adam) that brings forth bramble and thorns.
And this one, the Gospel of the Queen will be proclaimed within the entire inhabited land, into a manifest witness to all Nations; and then the end-aim will come.
Matthew 24:14 RBT
While he still spoke, behold! a bright cloud cast a shadow over themselves! And behold! a voice out of the cloud, she who is speaking, “This one is the son of myself, the Beloved, within whom I am well delighted. Listen to himself!”
Matthew 17:5 RBT
“I heard another voice from heaven, she who is speaking, ‘Come out of her, the People of myself, so that you are not fellowshiping in the misses of herself, and so that you are not taking hold of the wounds/beatings/plagues of herself!”
Revelation 18:4 RBT