nor shall they say, behold, here; or behold, there; for behold: the queen of God is inside of yourselves.’
Luke 17:21 RBT
Translators and scholars don’t want to hear what it really says. A better word could not be chosen to express inside. The Greek word is entos. And is also used by Jesus here, and mind you,
Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside [entos] of the cup, so that the outside of it may also become clean.
Matt. 23:26
The real question then is who? He spoke to them in the plural, you all. If we were to think of it as an enigma—themselves also being called collectively “mother” by the same Jesus—we could entertain the idea of a “womb,” and Isaiah 66 would be much more interesting, where we read that Zion “gives birth” to a nation….
And after all, was not Eve inside Adam before she was taken out and built up?
But why speak so darkly?