“In the head elohim…”
“For the bias of the flesh is death, and the bias of the Spirit, life and peace.” Romans 8:6 RBT
Bias dictates everything from the start. And so bias began at “the beginning.” Where the Hebrew word “reshith” was interpreted to mean “the beginning” the bias for the rest of the Bible began. “Reshith” is in fact the feminine noun for “head”. The masculine “rosh” meaning “head” was accurately translated as “head”, but when it came to her, reshith, the bias of men steered clear. Countless (thousands) of misses followed in the world of interpretation and translation, all because she, couldn’t possibly be the origin. The end result is the quagmire flooding the world around you called, “the Bible.” It is impossible to understand, and exceedingly difficult to read (hence the marketing of countless “translations” utilizing gross, and even astonishing, craft of paraphrasing). Besides that, the manifest witness before the world inarguable— it leaves people feeling dark, alone, spiteful, and sorrowful, and wallowing. On top of that, it generated a plethora of liars, murders, and thieves too numerous to count. It seethed with death.
If the bias is wrong from the start, the whole thing is missed. And thus, the Whole thing is a Miss.
Strong’s #7225, reshit, [feminine] head. This is the feminine of rosh, #7218. The root of these words is unused but means to shake, tremble. Understood to mean “head” (because it shakes) and long interpreted here in the abstract as “beginning”.
Everywhere that I can tell, this word “head” is used in the sense of “headwaters”, that is a source, or a mountain peak. A “source” could be construed as a “beginning” but the sense is not that of normal time, and I have seen nothing in scripture which would indicate that rosh/reshit are related to linear space-time. In fact, it should be known there is no word for “time” in the sense of clock time, atomic time, linear time, or space-time in the Hebrew. There is only appointed time, season, menstruation time, then, now, perpetuity, and time of tomorrow, time of the evening. See #6256. If anything it is related to the center of space-time.
The writers chose the feminine version of head here. Why? Here lies perhaps the most enigmatic mystery of the Bible. There are several root verbs that are symmetrical and they are on purpose. Notable ones are hayah (to become), nun (to propagate), and harah (to conceive). These are some of the most significant in all of the Hebrew language. They reflect opposites or positive-negative, type-antitype sides. Taking the individual letters as a cue:
היה hayah: [Behold – the hand – Behold] to become
נונ nun: [seed – peg/nail – seed] to propogate
הרה harah: [Behold – head – Behold] to conceive

Bitter-Rebel [Mary], standing up in the days of these ones, was transported into the mountain-country with speed into the Land of [stone] Casters [Judah], and she entered into the house of He is-has-Remembered [Zechariah] and greeted God-of-Seven [Elizabeth]…
And she cried out in a mega voice, and said “Blessed is the fruit of the belly of yourself, and from where to myself is this one, that the mother of the Lord of myself has come toward myself? For behold, as the voice of the greeting of yourself became into the ears of myself, the infant leaped in exultation in the belly of myself… (Luke 1:39-44 RBT)
Like a man-child swallowed up in the belly of hell, leaping up at the hearing of the greeting of Elizabeth (My God of Seven).
Bitter-Rebel [Mary] hears the greeting of My God of Seven [Elizabeth]
Behold Behold
With this understanding, “In the head” would refer to the very conception of life itself. Life conceived. Elohim conceived. Eve, the “Mother of the Living One/Whole”. The Mother of the whole eternal life. Imagine how beautiful she must be, when she manifests in all her glory?