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ל ה פ חן חן תשאות ה ראשה ה אבן את ו הוציא ל מישר זרבבל ל פני ה גדול הר אתה מי
to herselffavor/graciousnessfavor/graciousnessthunderingsthe Topthe Stoneאת-self eternaland he has brought outto a level plainOffspring of Babel ("Zerubabbel")to the facesthe Greatmountainyour eternal selfwho
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RBT Translation:
who your eternal self mountain the Great to the faces Offspring of Babel ("Zerubabbel") to a level plain and he has brought out את-self eternal the Stone the Top thunderings favor/graciousness favor/graciousness to herself
RBT Paraphrase:
Who is your eternal self, O Great Mountain? To the faces of Offspring of Babel ("Zerubabbel") a level plain! And he has brought out the self eternal Top Stone, thunderings of "Grace Grace to her!"
LITV Translation:
Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain. And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts: Grace! Grace to it!
ESV Translation:
Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain. And he shall bring forward the top stone amid shouts of ‘Grace, grace to it!’”
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
Who art thou, the great mountain before Zerubbabel, that thou shouldest prosper? whereas I will bring out the stone of the inheritance, the grace of it the equal of my grace.
