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ב דרכי ו ה הלך יהוה ירא כל אשרי ה מעלות שיר
within the roads of himselfthe One who walksHe Ishe fearedall/everystraight/happy onesthe ascending onesa song
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RBT Translation:
a song the ascending ones straight/happy the whole he feared He Is the One who walks within the roads of himself
RBT Paraphrase:
A song of the Stairs. Straight is everyone who fears He Is, the One who walks within the roads of himself.
LITV Translation:
A Song of Ascents. Blessed is everyone who fears Jehovah, who walks in His ways.
ESV Translation:
Song of Ascents. Blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, who walks in his ways!
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
A Song of Degrees. Many a time have they warred against me from my youth, Let Israel now say:
