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ה זה ה עם על ה עבדה כבדה כי בקשתי לא ה פחה לחם זה ו עם ל הרבה יין ב כל ימים עשרת ו בין ל י נעשו ו צפרים בררות שש צאן אחד שור אחד ל יום נעשה היה ו אשר
this onethe Gathered PeopleuponNoneNonefor I searchednotNoneloafthis oneand withNoneNonewithin the wholedaysNoneand betweento myselfNoneNonein the handSixNoneonethe traveler [ox]oneto a daywe are makinghe has becomeand whom/straightly
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RBT Translation:
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RBT Paraphrase:
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LITV Translation:
And that which was prepared for me daily was one ox, six fat sheep. Also birds were prepared for me; and between ten days, in all of the wine plentifully. And with this I did not seek the bread of the governor, for the bondage was heavy on this people.
ESV Translation:
Now what was prepared at my expense for each day was one ox and six choice sheep and birds, and every ten days all kinds of wine in abundance. Yet for all this I did not demand the food allowance of the governor, because the service was too heavy on this people.
