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Matthew 27:17



The full "Jesus Barabbas" is found in the earliest manuscripts. Some translations include the full name, while most translations leave it out.

There is considerable, though not quite decisive, evidence in favour of the reading which gives “Jesus Barabbas” as the name of the prisoner.

(Ellicott Commentary)

Origen mentions that in some MSS. this man bore the name Jesus, an identity of name which makes the contrast of character all the more striking.

(Expositors Greek Testament)

It is a strange fact that in some (not very trustworthy) manuscripts the name is given as Jesus Barabbas, which affords a remarkable antithesis in Pilate's question in the following verse, "Wilt ye that I release Jesus Barabbas or Jesus called Christ?" There can be no reasonable doubt that the prefix is not genuine, but has crept into some texts inadvertently. Matthew 27:16

(Pulpit Commentary)

Some were of the thought that verse 27 was "fatal" to the "insertion":

As Alford remarks, Matthew 27:20 is fatal to the insertion

(Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges)