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Matthew 1:20



The Woman Within

The fact that τὸ (that which) and γεννηθὲν (that which is conceived/begotten) are in the neuter may be of no consequence. Perhaps the author mistakenly forgot to write these in the masculine him, to refer to Jesus. Or perhaps not.

Strongs #G3880 παραλαμβάνω (paralambano), receive from, take from, receive something transmitted. This word can be tricky considering that the prepostion "from" is not necessary. When the verb παραλαμβάνω (paralambano) is used with a person, it typically signifies taking something from them rather than taking the person themselves. There is often an "object" and a "source" to specify what is being taken and from whom. In this case we have τὴν γυναῖκά σου "the woman of yourself" which is in the accusative. The translation "as your wife" is changing the clause and adding the word "as". Greek employs a more common word λαμβάνω (lambano) for "to take." See Logeion on paralambanó and lambano.