Mark 5:41
13 | Greek ταλιθα κούμ. Later manuscripts add the letter ι making it κοῦμι because the correct imperative command in the second feminine singular is קמי kumi and not kum קום which is the masculine singular imperative, or 3rd person masculine complete "he stood" or active participle "he who stands"... ταλιθα טליתא (Talitha) is derived from the root טלא (ṭālā), which carries two primary meanings: 1) young lamb or female lamb, reflecting youth and innocence, and 2) spotted, patched, or variegated, as seen in references to marked or patched animals. cf. טלה Strong's #2924 cf. טלא Strong's #2922 a patch cf. טלא Strong's #2921 to patch, mend כל שה נקד וטלוא "every sproutling marked and patched" or "every young lamb/goat marked and stitched" (Genesis 30:32) במות טלאות "within patchwork platforms" or "within high places of patched ones" (Ezekiel 16:16) |